sabato 30 agosto 2014

1722 - RICHARDSON, Sul Cenacolo vinciano

The Monastry of the Dominicans.

In the Refectory over a very high Door, is the famous Picture of the Last Supper, Figures as big as the Life; it is excessively ruin’d, and all the Apostles on the Right-hand of the Christ are entirely defaced; the Christ and those on is Left hand appear pretty plain, but the Colours are quite faded, and in several Places only the bare Wall is left; That which is next but one to the Christ is the best preserved, (he that crosses is Hands upon his Breast) and has a marvellous Expression, much stronger than I have seen in any of the Drawings. Armenini (who wrote about the Year 1580) says, this Pictures was half spoil’d in his time. That Story of the Head of the Christ being left unfinish’d, Lionardo conceiving it impossible for him to reach his Own Idea is certainly false, because one part of that Head wich remains entire is highly finish’d in is usual manner. They have nail’d the Emperor’s arms over the Christ Head so low that it almost touches his Hair, and hides a great part of the Picture.

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